Tuesday 5 November 2019

Tuesday 5 November 2019 - A Circuit via Salares



Today, thirteen of us set off on the longer walk under Mick's careful supervision, on a 14 km circuit via Theo's bar in Salares.

Let me try to name us all: me, Sue, Cary, Tom, Bern, Cheryl, Val, David, Paul, John, Martin, Tom and Tony. So now I can name at least half of our group of 26. The others may be Gordon, Karen, Sharon, Wendy, Carol, Anna, Jacob, David, Joyce, Kate, and three more (I've failed).

The terrain is becoming familiar. Ups and downs on mule tracks and gravel tracks, through pine woods, olive groves and mixed woodland of holm oak, orange, lemon, avocado, walnut, almond and sweet chestnut - to name but a few.

After seeing some deer on yesterday's 15 km saunter, all we saw today was some wild boar diggings. It's the hunting season, so perhaps they are making themselves scarce.

It was a reasonable day for bird spotting, with Griffon vultures, Sardinian warblers, Pallid swifts, and grey wagtails all in evidence, not to mention Theo's very chatty canary. Thanks go to Tom for identifying these birds.

Both groups met in Salares at Theo's bar, where a selection of tapas for €8 per person included bread, cheese, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, sardines and some very tasty tortilla, as well as soft drinks and home made wine.

This was a nice lunch, and good business for Theo, who must find it hard to make a living in this village of only 85 inhabitants. The village, let alone the bar, is apparently on the endangered list.

Those on the easy walk were then taken back to Canillas by Gustavo, who runs the Posada la Plaza hotel.

The rest of us returned over a picturesque Roman bridge, past hedgerows with flowers such as fringed pinks. There aren't that many plants in flower, but if you look carefully you are surprised. Unfortunately we don't have our flower book with which to identify them...

Back at Canillas soon after 3 pm, some of us adjourned to a café, whilst others took to their beds before we reconvene at 6.30 for 'Office Hour', when Thursday's walking options will be revealed, followed by another tasty dinner - feta salad then pork for me tonight, spinach and sole for Sue, who spent the afternoon in the jacuzzi.

Today's pictures:
Approaching Salares
The Roman bridge at Salares 
Outside Theo's bar 
(Note that 'technical issues' restrict me to three images per posting, so I'll post more pictures later.)


  1. This is all very wonderful! Back in '84 I spent some six months living in this region, and it's a joy to read your account - bringing back happy memories..

  2. Good to hear from you HMP3. Will continue to report back....
