Sunday 29 December 2019

Saturday 28 December 2019 - Christmas at Dunham Massey, plus bits

We went last year. Here's the report.
This year J and J came to stay again, enjoying making shortbread before darkness fell and we toddled off to Dunham on a fine, warm evening. Where we were encouraged to ...

To reach the Winter Gardens, the hall, illuminated with an advent calendar projection, was passed.
Beyond the Lily of the Valley, the Dunham Deer presented a posing opportunity
Illuminated Flowers, Cyclamens, the Heart Walk, and a Neon Door, were all encountered.
The Firework Trees were hard to capture on film without a sound channel.
The Sea of Light was followed by some stalls selling crepes.
The Laser Garden was also hard to photograph. I did my best, and J and J had lots of fun here.
After an interlude during which we toasted giant marshmallows, the Vortex Tunnels led to 'Fire on Water', involving projections onto the back of the hall.
Christmas music continued throughout the 'tour', the music being coordinated with the lighting to trigger the constant changes of colours.
Father Christmas and his Elves were there. It looked hard work, you could almost feel the sub text in their voices … "only two more days of this!"

The final thrill was the Cathedral of Light.
Until, that is, the Fairground Rides. Here, Jacob tried hard to get the swing to loop the loop. I used the following picture rather than the one in which he had virtually disappeared out of the top of the frame.
Whilst Jacob had fun on the Helter Skelter, Jess enjoyed a more sedate fairground ride.
Then we had giant burgers and hot dogs, and went home satisfied. Thanks, Dunham Massey, that was a well organised and happy event. As last year, it took about an hour to go round.
After a good night's sleep, the children were enticed away from their iPads to Walton Park, for train rides and a marathon frisbee session during which Jacob only managed to get the frisbee caught in a tree once. Is that a record!
To complete this miscellany, here's Jess with Rocko on Boxing Day at Grandma Whoosh's house, during one of a number of family gatherings, all of which were most pleasurable.

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