Thursday 12 December 2019

Wednesday 11 December 2019 - A Visit to Bakewell

We did this walk a couple of years ago - here - and will be on the same paths again in a few days' time, so here are just a few pictures from my recce of the route in preparation for this year's Christmas walk and lunch that I organise.
I parked in Great Longstone and headed into the sun towards the Monsal Trail, looking back from the same point to a wintry outlook, with frost on the ground where the sun hadn't dissolved it.
Once on the Monsal Trail, another look back...

… and a view along the frosty trail.
There were quite a few runners and walkers enjoying the fine morning. I joined the runners and jogged along to the end of the trail at the bridge over Coombes Road.
A stroll through the remarkably dry fields saw me reach Bakewell, where the Lime Lounge café looked to be going strong - still a good meeting point for our forthcoming walk, which will start in Bakewell.
After a pleasant amble alongside the river, I headed up past the church to proceed along a series of field paths.
These field paths, plus a bit of tarmac past Dirtlow Farm, led to a good view down to Ashford in the Water, where we will assemble for victuals and a rendezvous with Andrew on Sunday.
From Ashford, it's a pleasant walk back up to Great Longstone, and the Crispin, where Joanne assured me that our Christmas lunch arrangements were satisfactorily in place.
Before returning home, I enjoyed a bowl of soup here, happy in the knowledge that we wouldn't get mis-placed on Sunday, nor would we go hungry.

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