Friday 17 July 2020

Friday 17 July 2020 - A Stroll Around Lindow Moss

Whilst Sue went off to work, I was joined by Andrew, Paul, Graeme and Sue W, for this gentle stroll around Lindow Moss with plenty of time for 'catch-up' chatting. We hadn't seen Paul or Andrew since Lockdown in March, and it's a long time since I'd seen my former colleague Sue W.
We started by walking around Black Lake (below), repeating a (not)parkrun 5km route that Sue and I reccied last Sunday. The remaining photos are from that visit.

The path goes through a strip of woodland within the Moss area. Today there was a convoy of heavy machinery making a huge din in the area of peat next to the path on which Sue is pictured below.
Eventually we joined a tarmac lane with some pleasant front gardens in front of the houses. At one point this bank of Yellow Loosestrife provided a splash of bright colour.
Here's the 5km route, taking 40 minutes with Sue last Sunday, and an hour and a quarter on today's gentle stroll.
It's a great (not)parkrun route...

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