Wednesday 23 September 2020

TGO Challenge - Wild Camps (No 35: 15 May 2011)


My photos for this day can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and I've no idea where the original version of the above picture, used at the time for my blog, has got to. Probably deleted...

Anyway, Mike and I enjoyed two lengthy breaks from the rain, firstly at the Inveroran Hotel, where we enjoyed lunch from about 1 pm to 2 pm, then at the Bridge of Orchy Hotel, where we met Nik Lawcock and others and enjoyed a second lunch from 3 pm to 4 pm.

After that it was a slog in the rain up Coire Dothaidh. We camped at about 700 metres at NN328398 just over the col, at the head of Coire a'Ghabhalach. In different conditions this could be an idyllic spot. On this occasion Mike ('Poor Michael') spent most of the night playing pass the parcel with his tent pegs, which kept blowing out of the ground, and I remember having to be very careful with my cooking as the porch of the Phreerunner, in which there is usually loads of space, was regularly inverted in the gale.

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