Monday 4 January 2021

Happy Days in the Dolomites (15 July 2006)

(From memory) Sue and I took Julia up Gran Cir, a via ferrata route that's so easy you don't need equipment. So Sue didn't bother with hers, but I kitted up in order to demonstrate to Julia. I failed - she wasn't cut out for via ferrata routes, so it was just as well that we chose a very easy one.

The views from Gran Cir, above Passo Gardena, are wonderful; I think the backdrop in the picture above is the magnificent Sella Group. I have to hope that one day we'll be able to return there, but it won't be any time soon as another complete pandemic lockdown, with draconian restrictions on movement, starts tonight.

Stay safe.


  1. Always fancied going to the Dolomites, but there was always another agenda. It would be nice to walk in the mountains at some point as I believe that it is very similar to the Picos De Europa.

  2. The Dolomites have countless places like this, whereas the Picos, also a fine place to visit, has not so many as it covers a much smaller area.
