Wednesday 20 January 2021

Lockdown 2021 - Time for Cake!

'Stay at Home.' That the 2021 mantra. So I've gone into cake production.

That's now an empty tin...

On 11 January, Sue borrowed Isabella for a couple of hours.

It snowed and froze for a week, then it rained a lot; I've not been on a bike ride this year. It's very muddy. On 12 January Sinderland Brook, usually a modest little affair almost jumpable, looked like this.

My walk from home on that day featured the delights of Sale West and the Carrington Estate.

The 8 km circuit passed our recycling depot. Inevitably, nearby is the rubbish that is being left when the tip is closed. "Nothing to do with us" is the plant operatives' comment when I mention this rubbish which is dumped just a few metres from their place of work.

Sue and I enjoyed a visit to Hale on Monday. We didn't use the busy towpath, viewed here from Timperley Bridge.

Meanwhile, Isabella grows and shows more interest in things by the day.

After more rain, the flood defences near Navigation Road are being readied for serious action. - this was yesterday, where normally there is a narrow channel.

Today (Wednesday) I was summoned to look after Isabella for a couple of hours. She slept soundly for the entire 10 km perambulation. After more rain, Simon's Bridge in Didsbury was nearly inundated.

Here's the Mersey Valley in roughly the same place, just two months ago (you can see the bridge).

Today, another few inches, and the river will overflow later, as the flood basin is full..

I'll report tomorrow, but Mike and Sarah in East Didsbury are currently moving valuables upstairs and may have to evacuate their house. It's snowing. There are 130 flood warnings.

Update - Thursday 21 January (my aunt Mair's 90th birthday...)
Flood warnings rose to over 200, and Mike, Sarah, Isabella and Millie the cat were evacuated to Mike's mum's house in Chorlton in the middle of Wednesday night. They returned home this afternoon and were relieved to discover that the flood water hadn't reached their house. This was the worst flooding in living memory hereabouts.

1 comment:

  1. Comment from Helen:
    Stay safe everyone! Could Isabella be any more gorgeous? I think not! Love chocolate cake with coffee icing, keep up the good work Martin.
    Helen X
