Saturday 9 January 2021

Saturday 9 January 2021 - Social Distancing in Sale (or not)

On today's sunny afternoon, I ventured out, fully masked throughout. I must be paranoid; there is no pandemic crisis; the people of Sale are quite happy to walk in crowds along the canal towpath. No worries in Trafford, then...

Unbelievable. Now you know why I refuse to go anywhere near the crowded towpath


  1. I can hardly believe that picture.
    We are supposed to be at the worst point of the pandemic, didn't you go and tell them all?

  2. I was fully masked and keeping my distance. Towpath out of bounds for me at such times. It's obviously going to get much worse here. You could say there's a degree of foreshortening, but not very much. Sadly, Dot's (my mum) second vaccination has been cancelled due to a lack of vaccine. At least she will be partially protected, I suppose.

  3. I know I’ve said it before but it makes me ashamed to be British.
