Wednesday 6 January 2021

TGO Challenge - Wild Camps (No 50: 9 May 2014)

For my eighth Challenge, again on my own with the Terra Nova Solar Competition 2 tent, I started from Morar and headed east to camp at NM 867 930, after encountering the gruesome foursome of Jayme Morgan, Peter Molenaar, Heather T-S and David Albon. And others.

It was somewhat cloudy here on Sgurr nam Meirleach at 680 metres, but I found an excellent spot (one of many) and enjoyed a quiet night.

The following morning revealed just a little more of the surroundings, though my ongoing route along the long ridge to Meall na Sroine was largely in the cloud, with challenging navigation at times. The others all took the coward's route down Coire Dubh to Finiskaig.

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