Sunday 7 March 2021

Lockdown Continues, with a visit to Tatton Park

Keeping up the '5 km a day' routine, here I am enjoying coffee in the garden after (not)parkrun number 254 last Wednesday. Proper parkruns are planned to recommence on 5 June. We'll see!

Note the freshly pruned leylandii.

Our old study carpet  was destroyed by the office chair moving around it, so I bought a plastic mat to protect the new carpet. It lasted two months before disintegrating. Don't use - when their products fail they ask you to return the goods to Gemany for a refund. I should have looked at the Trustpilot reviews before purchasing.

I've bought a replacement from Viking, which is a UK company I've used before. But you can see below that without even sitting on it, the chair has made indentations in the thinner plastic of this product. I wonder what Viking will say when it fails (or will it be ok, given the additional flexibility)?

If anyone has found a product that works, please do let me know...

This week it was Grandma Whoosh's turn to look after Isabella for a while. Here she is, enjoying a go on the swings.

Yesterday, Great Grandma Dot received a visit, as she needed to be taken to Stafford Showground for her second Covid vaccination. Sue took her, whilst I wandered around Eccleshall, passing the new luxury homes that are being built on the site of the old petrol station/car dealership.

Today Sue and I took a short drive to Knutsford's frre Sunday car park, for a 10 km stroll around the grounds of Tatton Park, where the following photos were taken.

Rare breed sheep

We enjoyed coffees on a bench by the War Memorial, about half way round our circuit.

Nearby, both red deer and fallow deer were relaxing on the cool morning.

There followed a family 'Zoom' hosted by Isabella, who looks a bit more attentive with her mum and dad than she does with Grandma Whoosh!


  1. Isabella!! Wished I looked like that on Zoom or anywhere else.

  2. Did you prune the Leylandii yourself? I had some way back when I lived in Preston and they got totally out of control.

  3. She's a cutie, BC, and Mike takes a nice picture.

    No, Conrad, we get Chris and Darren, the tree men, to trim the leylandii back to the same point every year, and he does it on our back garden neighbour's side as well. He says it's like a mattress on top. We'll be lost when Chris retires!

    It's a relatively small job compared with keeping my son's privet hedge under control!
