Sunday 20 June 2021

19 and 20 June 2021 - A Sociable Weekend

The weekend started with a Friday evening visit to Al and Hazel's house, where we enjoyed a lovely meal, thanks to the recent relaxation of Lockdown rules. Our first meal in someone else's house since March 2020!

Saturday morning saw the usual gathering of parkrunners at Wythenshawe, followed by a visit to Laura's new house in Northenden, with its freshly landscaped garden - thanks to mum and dad, Paul and Jeanette, and brother Greg, who did most of the work. [Must go there again for a photo!] We were home for lunch.

Meanwhile, parkrun has started for the juniors. Here's Jacob during one of his 2km sprints.

Today, Sunday, Mike and Sarah hosted a family get together at their house and in Fletcher Moss Park. Jessica soon showed her bravery by standing on top of a giant ant hill.

Then a kind man who said he had been fully vaccinated took a splendid group photo.

Ice creams covered with marshmallows seem to be the order of the day.

We all enjoyed a picnic, and Baby Isabella tucked in to her lunch as usual, and was handed round to everyone except the dog.

Thanks again to Mike and Sarah for hosting. It was lovely to spend an 'issue free' few hours with the family.

And thanks to Sarah for the following pictures, which I'm sure Great Grandma Dot will enjoy looking at.

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