Wednesday 23 June 2021

Landscape Arch

We have lots of photo albums, both 'in the flesh' and in a digital format. I enjoy browsing through them from time to time.

A 'random hit' amongst the digital albums produced this picture, taken in September 2003 with our first digital camera. It's in an album that has sat unmolested on the computer since being downloaded after the trip. There's no indication as to where the picture was taken, but it wasn't hard for me to identify Arches National Park.

We must have used print film on that trip, as I soon found an album stuffed with such prints. Thus I was able to identify this as 'Landscape Arch'. I haven't the inclination just now to bore everyone with that day's diary entry.

'USA 2003 - Trip Report'. It's on the list!

PS I have paid a brief visit to this album in the past - here.

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