Friday 20 August 2021

Friday 20 August 2021 - More Blackberries

For the second time this year, I couldn't resist the lure of the blackberry bushes next to the canal towpath, just a few minutes walk from home. They will continue to ripen in huge quantities for some time, but I think we have enough now for lots of jam.

I wondered about the identity of the plant that at times obscures the blackberries. I think it's Russian Vine (Fallopia aubertii), probably leaning over from a garden that backs on to the towpath.


  1. I'm jealous! A few days ago Mick and I went, armed with tubs, to our usual blackberrying location, to find that there were approximately four ripe fruit (all of which I ate on the spot) and little evidence of others on their way. It's been such a reliable place to harvest fruit for jam that I'm at a bit of a loss as to where else I can find any significant quantity in one place. I'm half way through my last jar of jam from last year too, so things will soon be approaching 'desperate'.

  2. That's a shame, there are absolutely masses of blackberries in Timperley and there will be for some time to come!

    I'll try to pick some for you when back next weekend.

  3. Panic over! We found blackberries, and a much better supply than our old location, in that there were masses in a very small area (tiny fruit, so took an age to pick them, but they're very tasty). The jam stash has been replenished.

  4. Great, but I now need to find another excuse to go blackberrying on Sunday!
