Monday 23 August 2021

Monday 23 August 2021 - Portmeirion

An early start (thanks Isabella, the insomniac child) found us wandering gently around South Snowdon Wharf on a lovely cloudless morning.

Then we visited the Italianate excesses of Portmeirion.

Burgers and ice creams just about satisfied our appetites.

Then Mike, Sarah and Isabella had to return home for Mike to honour a work commitment. 

Sue and I enjoyed a 6km stroll to Tremadog, and back through lovely woodland, via Tesco's to source some feta cheese for a Greek salad.

Near home, Cnicht had lost its halo of cloud. We'll get up there again, one day soon.

It was a lovely evening. I'll finish with a couple of pictures taken from/on our deck.

Who needs to go to Italy!

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