Sunday 10 October 2021

Saturday 9 October 2021 - Wythenshawe parkrun number 443 - The Start

This is what the start of Wythenshawe parkrun looks like these days. Here you can see about 260 runnersin a long line, waiting to be briefed before setting off in a wide grouping between the start sign and a white cone.

Today it was Dan's turn to offer a pre-run briefing. Rufus the dog took over for a while, but Dan offered a spot of magic by turning the white cone blue.

And then they were off...

That's it. I took no more photos, being distracted by my first use of the 'barcode scanning' app on my phone, which provides a socially distanced means of scanning personal barcodes and finishing position tokens. I'm happy to report that five of us managed to do all the scanning, and the finish tokens were all handed in. A result!
Full results (Sue's there somewhere) are here.

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