Tuesday 21 December 2021

Kev Reynolds

It's a sad day. I've learnt that guidebook writer and doyen of the outdoors world, Kev Reynolds, has died at the age of 78. Together with Showell Styles, it is Kev whose writing and guidebooks inspired me to visit the Alps and Pyrenees year in, year out, between 1980 and 2018. And I do hope to get there again, quite likely armed with one of Kev's guidebooks.

Here's his obituary from Cicerone, the publisher for whom Kev wrote many books, numerous of which grace my own bookshelves. (I've borrowed the above picture, I hope they don't mind.)

RIP Kev, who I did have the pleasure of meeting, and who was pleasingly complimentary towards my own modest contribution to his Pyrenean library.


  1. I have been aware of Kev and his guides over the years and I also have some on my shelves. Not to detract from Kev, your mention of Showell Styles brings to mind his Mountains of the Midnight Sun, a book that had a great influence on me in my teenage years. I included it in a list of books that had influenced me in a blog post a while ago:


  2. Some classics in that list Conrad. Kev's 'Walking in the Alps' is up amongst the very best. Though I've not taken it on any trips, my copy is very well thumbed. A wonderful book.
