Wednesday 6 April 2022

A Postcard

                       1 April - Dog walking in Bacup

2 April - Park running in Burnley, with Jacob, Sebastian and Louise

Wildlife photos exhibited outside Towneley Hall

3 April - Sunday morning's junior parkrun at Burnley

3 April - More dog walking in Bacup (three times a day)

4 April - Woodland in Preston, during a damp 11 km stroll from the hospital whilst Kate endured her fifth and final chemotherapy session

Outside the hospital - somebody in too much of a hurry!


  1. Beat wishes for daughter. Sounds like NHS doing the business despite their problems.I reckon you will become quite attached to the doggy?

  2. Thanks Conrad. The NHS has been superb for Kate. The 'doggy' is an 11 year old King Charles spaniel. He used to run a quick 5km with me, but these days he enjoys the walk at a rather more sedate pace. I won't miss going out three times a day come rain or shine, but I will miss the 5km in fine weather walks. However, Kate will need support for a while yet, and there will be weekly hospital appointments, so Oscar will get to see me quite regularly!
