Monday 9 May 2022

Sunday 8 May 2022 - Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb

Sadly, due to Sue's dad being ill, her parents were unable to join Sue and me on this minor diversion from a family visit to Birmingham. However, we escaped to Worcestershire to enjoy a few hours at this 'Championship' event. We have been here regularly over the past few years - reports are here, and the Shelsley website is here.

I didn't take a decent camera this time, but here are a few 'phone pictures that give the gist of the occasion.

We arrived on an overcast day on which there was soon a delay due to a minor misjudgement. Oops!
(Note the position of the right front wheel)

Once they got going again, this chap managed to avoid crashing

The crowd was fairly sparse today

Shortly before lunch the fastest competitor rather frightened himself by losing his engine cowling just as he crossed the finishing line at 134 mph. Clearing up the mess took some time

Wild garlic bordered the track today

Looking down to the start

Here are some of the visitors' cars. I think I've snapped the Bentley before

Eventually the sun generously illuminated the lovely Worcestershire countryside

Then we went back to Birmingham.


  1. Sounds like a good day out. I competed in the Harewood Hill Climb in 1965 in my company car (Ford Anglia 105E 1200) unknown to the company. The commentator said "Here comes Conrad R, not one of the fastest." but it was good fun.

  2. I remember your Ford Anglia stories, Conrad. There was an old Anglia competing very quickly at the Championships on Sunday. I should have taken a photo!

  3. Sorry for repeating - it is the wont of the aged.

  4. No worries at all Conrad - a useful reminder to me to take a pic if I get a chance.
