Saturday 4 June 2022

31 May to 4 June 2022 - A Postcard

I've already posted a picture of Great Grandma Dot on 31 May, but after we got back home the evening light on the canal near our house was lovely, and the Canada Geese didn't seem to object too much to me handling their fluffy chicks!

Friday was a holiday, so Isabella's mum and dad looked after her. We joined them for a while at the Jubilee Celebrations in Parsonage Gardens in Didsbury. Izzy went for a well controlled romp on the recycling bins, and seemed sad when we left.

Jacob stayed with us last night and enjoyed the parkrun at Wythenshawe with us today. He even joined Sue in doing some warming up exercises before the run. Then he embarked upon a 'Pokemon Day' in Manchester.

249 runners were set off by Jenn in exemplary fashion.

As part of 'Team Owen', I accompanied the lad, pictured below with another supporter, around the course at an easy pace (39 minutes), whilst Jacob got a PB and Sue ran her fastest time this year.

It was good to catch up with numerous folk afterwards, despite the cafe management being as miserable as ever, refusing to carry out simple requests like the provision of a cup of tap water for a thirsty youth. Full results are here.

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