Tuesday 9 August 2022

July 1977 - Ludlow, Lyke Wake Walk, Rivington and Ravenglass

Continuing my slide scanning of 1977, here's July, starting with a visit to Ludlow on 9 and 10 July. As before, I'll continue by way of captions, as I've found no diary for this period. If you click on a picture you might find a slideshow of better images, but the captions won't appear.

We enjoyed a hot afternoon at Ludlow Castle

Our base for this trip was the campsite at Wentnor. Personnel may have included Gary, Isabel, Bob Selig (owner of the red Morris 1800), Bob Laker, Dave Scruby, Dave Blackmore, John Clark, and possibly Martin Whittle, Ian Carr and Roger Freeman. 

Pleasant country walks and fabulous real ales in the Bishop's Castle area, if I remember correctly

16/17 July - my 17th (and most recent) Lyke Wake Walk with John Mansell and others, pictured here near the Wainstones

We crossed the North Yorkshire Moors railway

Four of us must have walked the 40 mile route, and we took 10 hours and 50 minutes. My car, with Roger at the helm, served as our support vehicle. I wish I could remember the names of the other two walkers - any offers?

On 27 July we enjoyed an evening walk around Rivington

... where we watched the sun set over Rivington and Anglezarke Reservoirs

The following weekend concluded our July 1977 activities with a trip to Wasdale, where a ride on the narrow guage railway was savoured on 30 July

I believe this picture of Bob and Laurie was taken on Irton Fell

... from where there's a good view up Wasdale, with the high peaks in cloud on that day

The only picture I took on 31 July appears to be of a Wasdale goat. Those with memories of photography in the 1970s may recall that taking slides was an expensive business - both the film and the processing dented our limited resources


  1. I bet you are finding events that you have completely forgotten about. I'm a little heartened to note that it is not just me who can't recognise one or two of those acquaintances from the past. I well remember the limitations of photography from those days.When I was building my larger boat I took a whole 24 exposure slide film of progress on a critical part of the construction only to find I had no film in the camera.

  2. I still have the negatives from my first overseas holiday, when I was moving away from processing everything myself. One day my scanner might bring these to the light of day! Now then, where are those negatives? Was there really film in the camera?

    I'm just off to look after mother for a week, so my blog will go very quiet...

  3. Dave says: In the campsite photo Martin Whittle is a definite. He is in the brown vest walking towards you. Surely Roger is also a definite being 3rd from right.
    Martin says: Yes, that's me. Also my very first tent - the blue and yellow one!
