Tuesday 27 December 2022

Two Christmas parkruns

It's traditional to dress up for the pre-Xmas parkrun, and that's what we did at Wythenshawe on Saturday for their 503rd event. Before the start, Paul and Laura posed with Rufus before lining up in a group of 306 at the start (above).

A dog called Alan posed next to a tree...

... on which he couldn't resist doing his business...

Father Christmas (aka Paul Muldoon) put in quite a few appearances, including this one.

Run Director Andy, and his boss Kate, posed for Sue before Andy's briefing at the start. Thanks to Sue for today's pictures, as my tree costume precludes access to a camera.

Eventually we got under way. Slowly in my case.

Sue went a bit more quickly and took this picture by the football pitches.

Regular parkrunner Robin entertained at the finish with his cello.

Full results are here.

The Courtyard cafe, friendly as ever!, had decided to be shut today, so on Jenny's suggestion some of us adjourned to Di Martino Caffe in Timperley. An excellent, friendly cafe that welcomes muddy shoes and dogs. Just what we needed. Despite looming Christmas meals, we all managed tea cakes to go with our coffees. 

Sunday - Christmas Day - found us enjoying Wilmslow parkrun #339. We've done this Christmas Day event before, and very jolly it is as well. Sue lined up with all the Barbers before the start.

I should have worn the tree again, but I didn't. The Run Director gave his usual jolly introductory briefing and 257 participants lined up for the 200 metre dash to a bottleneck by a narrow bridge at the start of the 5km course.

Colin, finishing in blue below, was the 32 minute pacer. I was happy (and surprised) to finish a little ahead of him. Full results are here.

Wilmslow is a very upmarket parkrun, with prosecco and chocolate biscuits at the finish.

Then Sue went off to do a bit of bell ringing, where Colin's sister is also a ringer; I went home to prepare Christmas dinner for me and Sue and Kate; Colin went for dinner with his sister; and the Barbers adjourned for a rather larger party with family and Ukranians.


  1. All good fun. Are dogs allowed to do park runs?

  2. Dogs on a short lead are welcomed to most parkruns, Conrad, but some (eg Bramhall) quite rightly don't allow them due to the terrain and narrow paths.
