Friday 14 July 2023

Friday 14 July 2023 - Llyn Trawsfynydd

Today was promised to be wet. And it was. We chose walk 4 in Alex Kendall's Cicerone guide to Snowdonia South. We had done this before, on 26/8/21, and enjoyed the stroll across the footbridge near the start of the walk. Sadly, we found that today Health and Safety had got there before us and the bridge is now closed indefinitely. 

So an extra 2.5km was needed to get around the lake to the end of the footbridge pictured above.

The road continued to Moelfryn before ascending to a viewpoint near where we lightened the flask.

The high point was soon reached, and despite the inclement weather offered some good views down to the lake.

A chill breeze was blowing off the lake as we rounded the path near the power station that's being decommissioned. It'll take until the end of the century!

There's a sheltered pavilion with no seats under cover, so we sat on a bench out of the wind, if not the rain, for our lunch.

The main information boards are in Welsh, with no English translation. That's  a pity, as I suspect that only a minority of visitors are conversant with the Welsh language. 

The cycle track that we had been following all day took us gently back to Trawsfynydd village, after we'd accidentally taken a diversion around a small headland. This minor error rewarded us with the sight of a beautifully constructed wasps nest dangling from a slim branch.

Earlier, Sue had spotted a healthy specimen of Common Toadskin Lichen. This turns out to be anything but 'common'.

We finished in heavy rain after a 16km outing with 200 metres ascent. It took us around 4 hours. We saw nobody else on the path. Not even a bicycle (for whom it would have been a quicker, if no less wetter, outing).

Later, when the rain had stopped, we walked down to Tremadog for an 'Early Bird' supper at the Y Sgwâr restaurant. A tasty meal with friendly service. Much appreciated after our bad experience at Dylans the other day.


  1. Does Sue have a yustem for recording her fungi/lichen discoveries?

  2. I once, very briefly, owned a chapel in Trawsfynydd. You walked past it, on your left, as you returned to your start point, but these days it's a converted chapel. Back in those days, I'm sure there was an English version of the information board; I seem to remember stopping to read it once.

  3. Some of the boards do have Welsh translations, but a couple of the main, large boards are in Welsh only.
    It's a shame that while they spend millions on decommissioning the power station, they can't be bothered to maintain the iconic footbridge.
    I bet there's a story behind your involvement with the chapel, Gayle!
    The circuit that we did would make a very nice bike ride.
