Sunday 10 September 2023

Friday 8 September 2023 - Around Delamere Forest

We couldn't possibly let the current warm weather pass without a walk. So on Friday Sue and I drove to Norley, where one of Jen Darling's 'More Pub Walks' adventures begins. We'd not done this walk before, but we are familiar with all the paths except those around Norley.

The walk started from the Tiger's Head pub. It's probably normally ok to use their car park, but today they were a wedding venue, with a huge marquee and lots of seating, so we parked around the corner and soon found the ginnel down which Jen's route starts. The view from the ginnel (above) indicates that we could have reached it from the pub's garden.

A leafy hedge soon produced mild claustrophobia!

A minor change to Jen's route to avoid passing close to the buildings of Home Farm found us beside a field of stunted barley.

After dropping to a farm entrance we turned right towards the building shown below.

That was a mistake, we should have gone left! Anyway, we did then go left, to reach Town Farm Lane, on which we passed a few more farms before taking a track to the right of 'The Oranges' then forking left past fields that are in fact the reinstated depths of Norley Sand Quarry. That quarry was one of the audit clients I dealt with in the early 1970s. I recall a brilliant bookkeeper, friendly staff, and the well kept records of a good business. As far as I know, it has now gone, though there are other sand quarries nearby.

The path dropped to a small stream in an area known as 'The Fishponds'. (No fish seen.)

Rising up the hillside ahead, we passed some flowers and walked through a motorcross track.
(As usual, click on any picture for a slideshow.)

Common Centaury


Bar Polypore

Motorcross rules

Another minor footpath change occurred at Brownmoss Farm, where walkers are now obliged to keep their distance before heading on a grassy track between fields, past Flaxmere.

Brownmoss Farm

Emerging at the Carriers Inn, we paused at the picnic benches next to Hatchmere. Very briefly. There were hungry mosquitoes.

We wound our way past the beaver enclosure and a 'Mr Fox' sculpture.

The shady paths on the hot day were most welcome. There were a few other walkers, and a cyclist or two, but this popular area wasn't exactly crowded, as we strolled on to enjoy a mosquito free elevenses break at a picnic table on the Sandstone Trail beyond Barnsbridge Gates.

After that it was a straightforward walk over the railway to a left turn beyond Eddisbury Lodge, past the new Visitor Centre, to Delamere Station, where we eschewed the cafe following our earlier picnic.

The path back to Norley soon left the forest and after an easily missed left turn just before 'The Firs', wound its way up along a grassy tractor track.

We missed the Gallows Clough Lane route recommended by Jen, and emerged onto the main road in Norley, beyond a profusion of botanic colour.

Just to the right of the next picture, a large number of bridesmaids were getting ready for action, so we decided against visiting the pub, admired the telephone box, and went home for lunch.

Here's our route - 13 km with 150 metres ascent, taking around three hours.

Followed by a superb dinner in P&J's garden on a perfect evening.


  1. Bar Polypore? Cannot say I’ve come across that one before. I do seem to recognise some of those pictures from previous walks with you.

  2. Good varied walk. I've seen better fox sculptures, but a brave effort?

  3. It was Sue who said 'Bar Polypore', perhaps guided (misguided?) by an American App. The fox picture was as close as I could get to a beaver!
