Sunday 22 October 2023

Saturday 21 October 2023 - A Birthday Party

Jessica was recently 10, and Isabella was 3 a couple of days later, so a birthday party was overdue. Nell brought balloons and a cake with candles.

I did a bit of cooking after getting back from Wythenshawe parkrun #544.

A table was prepared...

The troops arrived, Isabella a bit dozy, but happy to consume the last of our raspberry harvest.

Some played Rummikub, others were content with the Brio railway.

The birthday cousins were doing their best to lead each other astray.

Jessica's recent dancing activities were on view.

Dinner went down well.

After as much apple crumble as anyone could eat, the cake came out. Much huffing and puffing... with the assistance of mummies.

The cake went down well.

"I think I'm 'stuffed'!"

What a lovely afternoon. Thanks, everyone, for coming and for some of these pictures, and we all hope that Great Grandma Dot, who today had a brief visit to hospital after falling over, makes a speedy recovery and enjoys the plate of roast dinner that was later sent her way.

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