Tuesday 7 May 2024

5km x 3

Our first '5km' (three miles) was on Saturday morning in overcast, almost drizzly, conditions. It was the Fletcher Moss parkrun, one of our favourites. I was the only person over 75 taking part, so was pleased to finish in 30:00, position 223 out of 353 participants. Sue did much better - position 108, in 25:30. Well done Sue. Full results are here.

Coffees at the Sports Club followed, though none of the other Wythenshawe regulars made it to join us on this occasion.

The path to the Sports Club smells lovely just now thanks to the banks of Wild Garlic.

Sunday morning, and while Sue was bellringing, I went down to the track to do my second 5km of the weekend, the Wythenshawe Community Run.

Here are the 125 starters, being briefed before they dash around the track then on into the park.

Sunday afternoon, and Sue requested some exercise in the lovely sunny weather, so we went to Bowdon for a 5km walk in the Bollin Valley and surrounds. 

I'm sure the route to the right used to be less wet than the somewhat muddy path down which the cyclist is heading. I'm not surprised that the cyclists baulked at going through the pond!

But, if you look carefully, you'll see that they didn't baulk at diving into the River Bollin, or jumping off the footbridge. Great Bank Holiday fun!

We continued our anticlockwise circuit, admiring the well developed crops.

Back near the Bollin Valley, the 'Cafe in the Woods' was doing a roaring trade.

A minor navigational error turned this 5km walk into one of 7.3km, thanks to most of Bowdon being  a 'no go' area that is only accessed from the perimeter, with no obvious shortcuts once the 'wrong' direction has been chosen. Never mind, it was nice to be out on the sunny afternoon.

Here's our route:


  1. Your activities continue to be varied and frequent. It would be interesting to hear more about the bell ringing. How long does it take? Is it strenuous? How long to train for it?

  2. It's Sue who does the bellringing.
    Perhaps she could be persuaded to compose a posting?...

  3. Tha
    That's what I was hoping for.
