Friday 17 May 2024

Friday 17 May 2024 - An Inverbroom Circuit

I took Sue up to Loch Droma, from where she wanted to polish off her last four Fannaich summits. It was another beautiful day here, though you can see from the pictures that Loch Broom and Ullapool were engulfed in cloud.

Sue’s objectives, including big pointy Sgurr Mor, were thankfully positively bristling in the sunshine.

I had chosen a 9km circuit from the southern Lael Forest Garden car park. I walked south from here a couple of days ago; today I was heading north, first walking down the track to Auchindrean Farm, then rising quickly above the farm on a high, grassy, undulating path.

There were gullies and bridges.

There were fine views towards Ullapool despite the fog in that direction.

Blackcaps and coal tits vied with chaffinches for attention, with pied wagtails busy near the river. The dominant flower was the bluebell - simply masses of it, but there remained space for yellow pimpernel and tormentil, hawkweeds and daisies, amongst others.

Eventually the good path ended at a bench. Vertigo sufferers should turn round here. A narrow path and a series of steps and ladders lead through a dramatic gorge. With nobody else around (nobody seen on the entire walk), care was needed.

After some twists and turns and steep ups and downs, a gate in a deer fence announced the end of any difficulties and a nice grassy path down to the valley floor.

Here, Butterwort and Primroses were in flower.

My route joined a good path beside the River Broom, past a series of pools where salmon rest when making their way up the river at spawning time. All today’s paths were well maintained, to the credit of the landowner. I enjoyed some lunch on a bench beside the Lower Garvan Pool.

At one point a new bridge had been installed, obviating the need to return via the farm.

Here’s my route - 9.5km with 350 metres ascent, taking me 3.5 hours. An excellent morning’s walk.

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