Saturday 11 May 2024

Friday/Saturday 10/11 May 2024 - And so to Ullapool

Friday morning - off we go again, pausing today at Tebay services for coffees outside in the warm May sunshine.

Then up to TGO Challenge Control in Newtonmore, where, in exchange for a comfy bed, we provided cucumber and crab bites, fish pie, and strawberries and cream, to ten diners, whilst Ali and Mick provided telephone support to several needy Challengers, the annual event having started on Thursday.

Saturday morning, and we met up with Sue O at Aviemore parkrun. All three of us were happy with our times, with both Sues getting PBs for this course. Full results are here.

One chap, Bill, was applauded for his effort in volunteering for the 250th time today. He is the stalwart volunteer who, together with his faithful friend, marshals at the 2.5km turnaround point. Congratulations, Bill.

After brunch at the Ryvoan Café and a long chat with Sue, we headed via Inverness (for provisions) towards Ullapool, stopping for a while beside Loch Glascarnoch to admire the wonderful mountain views.

Our accommodation in Ullapool is at Parc Mhor. It’s an Airbnb apartment ideal for two people, a half hour walk from the centre of Ullapool. The friendly owner, Graham, lives next door. There are many noisy residents - including vocal sparrows, cooing collared doves, and distant cuckoos.

We have arrived in the middle of the town’s inaugural ‘Lugger Fest’. It’s a traditional Maritime Festival, with Boats, Talk, Music and Food. The ‘Lugger’ name comes from the sails used historically by the herring fishing fleet. We walked into town and joined hundreds of others on the hot, but sadly windless afternoon.

A piper was in full piping mode, which certainly enhanced the ambience of the festival; he received frequent rounds of applause from the hundreds of spectators.

It really was an unexpectedly hot afternoon, and sadly we didn’t have any cold beers. Luckily the fridge did yield some cold Pinot Grigio that proved a good substitute.


  1. That looks a nice spot for a short break. Why are there no smiles at the dinner table? Cannot be the food. lol. Have a great time at the chally. I presume you are going to Montrose. I got a message reply from JJ the other day. Looks like it should be a good weather crossing.

    1. It really does look like we'd just received news that someone had forgotten to put the fish in the fish pie or some such. We were much happier than it appears in that snapshot of an excellent meal!

  2. Everyone was happy Alan, it's just that I didn't get them to pose.
    Yes, we will be in Montrose in due course.
