Monday 13 May 2024

Monday 13 May 2024 - Beinn Liath Mhor a'Ghiubhais Li

After dropping Sue off to bag a few Munro summits in the Fanniachs, I took a ten minute drive to a car park by Loch Glascarnoch. I was aiming for a nearby 766 metre summit that I'd not previously visited. It turned out to be a big lump with a nice summit ridge and good views. 

First, a deer fence obstacle. A bit harder than yesterday's, but my thanks go to whoever made it feasible to hop over.

The hillside was well endowed with Cloudberry and Magellan’s Peatmoss, as well as Tussock Cottongrass, not to mention a few good old fashioned tussocks, the basal leaves of Butterwort, and lots of other mosses and lichens.

Just before reaching the summit, a couple of pairs of ptarmigan, and a plover, became very concerned about the possibility of my disturbing their nests. They need not have worried. Wheatears were also in evidence.

I made my way to a large cairn (above) from where there were good views inland to the east. Visibility was moderate today, with a grey sheen to everything. I was happy though, the summits were clear.

The main 766 metre summit was gained after a pleasant stroll along the wide ridge. A good shelter provided a lunch spot out of the light breeze.

There were good views to the Fannaichs and to the Beinn Dearg massif.

It didn’t take me long to get down the hill and back to the Fannaichs car park, from where I enjoyed a second lunch and a nap, before wandering down the track to meet Sue.

She had been delayed by a need to go for a swim, giving one young lad in particular a bit of a shock when she emerged!

Anyway, she’d bagged three Munro summits with ease, and must have picked up some sort of odour from her swim, as a deer tagged along with us for the last bit of the walk back to the car.

Here’s my route - 6.5km with 540 metres ascent, taking all of four hours. There was nobody else on the hill.

Sue’s commendable exploits will be recorded on her Facebook page.


  1. All good stuff. Proper hill walking. I did the Fannaichs in two hits on two successive days, both occasions in endless rain and low cloud. Never saw a thing. But if you set your mind to polish off the Ms you will likely need to accept a few days like that. Glad to see Sue had better weather.

  2. We tend towards being fair weather walkers these days, Conrad. Summits can always be bagged another time. There's no particular agenda for this trip. Weather has been good so far. The jigsaw hasn't been started.
