Tuesday 21 May 2024

Tuesday 21 May 2024 - Around Braemar

On another sunny morning we simply strolled around the environs of Braemar. 

We crossed over the River Clunie beside the Fife Arms, then passed the 'When Soak Becomes Spill' stainless steel sculpture sourced by the Fife Arms' owners, opposite which a wooden footbridge led us back across the river.

Then we enjoyed a lovely riverside walk, soon reaching the confluence with the River Dee. 

Sand Martins were active on the banks of the river, and there were good views as far as the Cairngorm summits. 

Eventually the Linn of Dee road was crossed and the path rose to a view from a yellow bench.

After a while we reached a road leading into Braemar past the Highland Games stadium and a Duck Pond. (No ducks today!)

We had earned coffee and cake in The Bothy café after this 5km saunter.

Then we went past the War Memorial and the engine from a crashed wartime aircraft.

This time a green footbridge saw us over the Clunie.

As we rose on the Queen's Drive track, good views opened up, with the summit tors of Ben Avon clear on the horizon.

Of today's many flowers, I selected Wood Anemone for a photo.

Back in Queen Victoria's day this was the site of a cottage where the queen used to pause for tea with the residents, who at that time had a nearby trout pond.

There were more views to the Cairngorms before the path descended past Lion's Face. 

Our route back to Braemar took us past the only remnant of wartime trenches that survives in the area.

Our path offered a final viewpoint from the Cromlins (the crooked fields), before returning to Braemar after a further 8km.

Here's our route - about 13km, with 240 metres of ascent, taking around 4 hours.

What a lovely way to spend a morning.

1 comment:

  1. Good photos especially when "click to enlarge."

    I think the phantom yellow gate latch painter has moved north and it has all gone tp his/her head, branching out in a frenzy, and attacking benches - what next?
