Monday 17 June 2024

Saturday 15 June 2024 - Fletcher Moss parkrun#210

Hurry, hurry, we don't want to miss the start!

Mike and Isabella just ran the first few hundred metres to the point where the course reaches the River Mersey.

Isabella wanted to go further...

But she was a happy girl again by the time we gathered at the finish.

Our times were affected by a very slow first kilometre, but never mind, it was good fun, and we adjourned to the park in Didsbury for excellent coffees.

As always, a great way to start the weekend. Full results are here.

I did the Wythenshawe Community Run the following day, but took no photos. I was quicker than usual, in 29:15, position 29 out of 53. A nice outing with Fechin and Colin in close attendance.

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