Saturday 29 June 2024

Saturday 29 June 2024 - Sils (Hotel Maria)

The view from our room in Sils

A most enjoyable five hour drive via Bolzano, Merano and the Ofenpas got us to Sils, near St. Moritz, by 3pm. We were greeted by the boss, Regula, who helped with parking, and by Michelle, the receptionist. Here, we aren't in the EU, so Arabella and Taea have been hired by Collett's despite being UK citizens. This is their third year here. We had a long chat with them before enjoying an excellent four course meal. We are their first guests of this season. 

Before that we were also greeted by Andreas, another 'boss'. These family hotels really do try to take care of their guests. Back in Corvara the hotel was much bigger and family members toured the restaurant each evening, chatting to the guests and checking that they were happy.

Anyway, after arriving here we fancied a stroll. Michelle suggested a short walk from the hotel. It passed beside Lake Silsersee, and made for a delightful circuit before returning to our room to unpack. Some of the pictures from that walk are shown below.


Spotted Gentian

Rosy Pussytoes

Yellow Rattle and Bellflower

Our room, quite bijou after Corvara, but more than adequate, with lovely staff. Michelle, the receptionist, made a point of finding us in the restaurant and checking we had all we needed before she went home.

This is a great spot.

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