Sunday 23 June 2024

Sunday 23 June 2024 - The Pralongia Plateau

We waited for the rain to stop, then we took the Col Alto Gondola to pick up path 23 at around 1980 metres, Corvara being at below 1600 metres.

Just as we entered the gondola, I realised I'd left my phone/camera in the hotel room, so today's pictures are courtesy of Sue, starting with two lovely Globeflower and Yellow Rattle meadows near the top of the Gondola.

The view was clearing as this photo of the Sella Group and Passo Gardena was taken.

There were too many wild flowers to recount them all in this posting. A separate 'flower' posting may follow when we get home. Meanwhile, a few highlights - such as Trumpet Gentians that lined the path.

After a while we enjoyed a tea break on a bench next to a meadow full of Bistort and Yellow Rattle, with noisy chiffchaffs in the woodland.

Our undulating path took us inexorably past Utia Pralongia to the metal cross that marks the high point of the plateau - 2185 metres, where swifts were harvesting plentiful insects and skylarks were in full voice.

This area was covered in a layer of tacky mud that was quite tricky to remove. Rather than faff with muddy boots in the refugio, we sat on a bench by the nearby chapel to enjoy our lunch - a fairly sparse affair as the masses of food provided by Posta Zirm Hotel needs little to supplement it.

On the way up, Sue had spotted Frog Orchids. 

And Fragrant Orchids (to name but a few).

Sassongher, behind my head in the next picture, ventured in and out of the cloud, but views were generally good and our visit to the plateau before a spell of steady rain was most rewarding.

The walk was 12km, with about 260 metres ascent, taking us about 4 hours.

This was Collett's self guided walk number M1. They provide a durable paper map (Tabacco 1:25000 Map 07), as well as full descriptions of over 20 local routes, plus a 'Ride with GPS' App from which all the routes can be downloaded to a phone. Sue used this today and found it to be entertaining, and maybe even helpful!


  1. What a beautiful place. I bet Sue was in her element with all those flowers to spot and name.

  2. Yes Alan, there has been some great flower spotting...
