Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wednesday 3 July 2024 - Lagh Da Cavloc

With the weather forecast not so good today we decided to stay low and visit Lagh Da Cavloc by a roundabout route.

This involved a 14 minute bus ride to Maloja, with Australian couple Matt and Jenny. We left them to do the Via Engiadina walk that we enjoyed on Monday. Our route crossed fields, from where a view back to the village is shown above. 

We soon reached a bridge over the frothy Orlegna river, from which the views downstream and upstream are shown below. 

Apparently this is an old smugglers' route. We found ourselves following the Smugglers Trail, a route defined by smugglers' hats screwed onto rocks. It's also a snowsoe trail.

A steep climb through the forest brought us to a small lake, Lagh Da Bitabergh, where we lingered for an elevenses break.

About 2.5 km of forest paths then led to Lagh Da Cavloc, where we enjoyed lunch on a bench. We had started the walk with David and Jill, so it was a surprise to meet them coming the other way. They had decided to reverse Collett's recommended route. Suzy and Phil, who we hadn't met before, were just behind them.

A cuckoo serenaded us, as did one yesterday outside our apfelstrudel hut.

We opted to walk up to Plan Canin, on the way to which a large and very clean herd of goats was encountered. Sue went into 'goat whisperer' mode.

A gently undulating path led to Plan Canin and a locked private bothy. The view up to a high pass confirmed that proper snow and ice equipment was needed up there. A suitably equipped group passed us on their way up. The next three pictures were taken at Plan Canin, from where we retraced our steps to Lagh Da Cavloc. 

A huge boulder field was passed on the way back to the goats.

Given recent rain, it wasn't a surprise to see waterfalls streaming down from high above.

We made our way back down past Restaurant Cavloccio, deciding not to visit. On our way down the good track we found Tony and Caroline admiring the flowers, and back at the bus stop we found Chris and the other Caroline. So the only Collett's guests we didn't see today were David and Avril.

The next picture was taken near Maloja. I was puzzled as to the purpose of the dam.

The bus back to Sils was crowded.  Standing room only.

The Ride with GPS app seems to have worked today, and roughly tallies with my Garmin watch that suggests we walked 14.5km with 450 metres ascent, taking around 5.5 hours.

Here are a few flowers from today.

Round-headed Rampion

Common Kidney-Vetch

Large Bittercress

Rock Cranesbill

Yellow Wood Violet 

Alpine Birdsfoot Trefoil

1 comment:

  1. You are certainly seeing some wonderful scenery.
