Wednesday 27 May 2009

Irvine Butterfield - born 8 August 1936; died 12 May 2009

2601irvinebutterfield It was with great sadness that we learnt of Irvine Butterfield's death on our recent return from Scotland.

Irvine's fine book - The High Mountains of Britain and Ireland, Volume 1, has helped us up many a Scottish peak, and has provided inspiration for unusual routes as well as warnings about difficult ground.  It was of course used in our planning of this year's TGO Challenge.

Dave Hewitt has, on the excellent 'Grough' website, written an obituary here - from where I have copied the above image.  I hope nobody minds - if so I'll remove it.


  1. I too enjoyed many creative routes based on HMBI vol.1. Did IB ever publish vol.2? I attended a presentation in Glasgow several years ago when he spoke of it...

  2. Hi Nick
    Sadly, Volume 2 was never published and is unlikely to be resuscitated. Dave Hewitt mentions it in his obituary.
