Friday 29 May 2009

TGO Challenge 2009 - Index


Martin and Sue's planned route, kit list and brief report with panoramic images - web page
Picasa Slide Show - a selection of 100 images
Blog Pages: These are as written at the time ('on the day'), with any added text italicised and with added images.
The TGO Challenge 2009 - Nearly Ready
Ready and Waiting
1st Prologue - A Wet Trip to Sunny Montrose
2nd Prologue - Dreiched in Mallaig
Day 1 Plan
Time for a Cheese and Wine Party!
Day 1 Report - Socialising in Knoydart
Day 2 Plan
Day 2 Report - First FWA
Day 3 Plan
On the summit of Gulvain - 5.40 pm 10/5/09
Day 3 Report - Here Comes Summer!
Day 4 Plan
The View to Ben Nevis from above Glenmallie - 9.30 on 11/5/09
Brew stop above Glenmallie - 10.30 - 11/5/09
By Loch Arkaig - lunch time 11/5/09
Day 4 Report - More like Today, Please!
Day 5 Plan
In the Woods
Nearing the summit of Beinn Teallach - 4.45 pm - 12/5/09
Day 5 Report - Not a Cloud in the Sky
Day 6 Plan
Our camp site at 620 metres - 8 am on 13/5/09
On Creag Meagaidh Summit - 11.40 - 13/5/09 - VERY WINDY!
Our campsite at 430 metres by Allt Crunachdain - 13/5/09
Day 6 Report - Arctic Winds on Creag Meagaidh
Day 7 Plan
On the beautiful Forest Path to Dalwhinnie - 9.20 am - 14/5/09
Day 7 Report - Trying not to be 'Pidgeoned'
Day 8 Plan
From The Fleshpots of Dalwhinnie - Into the Wilderness
Day 8 Report - Hare Hill
Day 9 Plan
Day 9 Report - The Good Samaritan
Day 10 Plan
The View East from the Summit of Carn a' Chlamain - 11.30 am - 17/5/09
Lunch by the River Tilt - 17/5/09
Day 10 Report - A Fine Day in the Highlands
Day 11 Plan
On the summit of Carn nan Righ - 1026 metres - 10.10 am - 18/5/09
Day 11 Report - Cold Rain
Day 12 Plan
Our Final Summit - Mount Blair - 744 metres - 1.50 pm - 19/5/09
Day 12 Report - sunshine + SHOWERS
Day 13 Plan
Entering Kirriemuir - a very friendly place - 3.30 pm - 20/5/09
Day 13 Report - Country Lanes
Day 14 Plan
Oilseed Rape - must be getting near the coast!
Scurdie Ness - 2.30 pm - 21/5/09 - Finished!
Day 14 Report - Like Lemmings to the East Coast
The TGO Challenge official website (the old one)


  1. A great read thanks Martin & Sue! I enjoyed the pics too. Lovely to see you again at Montrose campsite!


  2. Blogger currently 'not available' in China so had to take a few days off in Japan to catch up. Looking forward to the next epic...
