Saturday 30 May 2009

Wednesday 27 May 2009 - An Evening on the Sandstone Trail

Tonight Andrew joined us for a short walk along the Sandstone Trail, which used to start from the car park in Simon's Lane above Frodsham.  The small car park was well stocked with leaflets, and shiny new signs now point the walker in that direction from the centre of Frodsham; but we stuck to tradition and headed from Beacon Hill across the golf course.


The wooded sandstone ridges hereabouts provide excellent ammunition for short circular walks suitable for evenings such as this.  The views to North Wales, The Wirral and Liverpool are excellent.  There are lots of antiquities to observe - remnants of Celtish times and Iron Age forts from before the Roman occupation - but I'll not go into all that just now.  Modern industry currently provides more conspicuous blots on the landscape.


The new signposts really are Very Shiny.


It's that time of year when buttercups take over in some places - in this case very much brightening the place up as dusk set in and we returned to base via a series of quiet green lanes, by-roads and paths, to join some rather miserable looking Manchester United supporters over a welcome beer.


Here's our route - 10 km with 300 metres ascent, taking 2 to 2½ hours - a lovely little circuit.


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