Friday 25 September 2009

The Backbone of England

2402book Last night I enjoyed a trip to Littleborough at the instigation of former TGO deputy editor ‘Deputy Dawg’ John Manning, to an illustrated talk that was part of the South Pennines Walk and Ride Festival 2009, with which John is heavily involved.

Author Andrew Bibby and photographer John Morrison discussed their book The Backbone of England, in which Andrew traces the line of the Pennine watershed from Kinder Scout to Hadrian’s Wall. Along the way he explores the area’s history, ecology, culture & geology, meeting those whose lives are shaped by this special landscape.

John Morrison’s stunning images accompanied the talk.

The book is available from Amazon for £14 and looks to be a beautifully illustrated and very informative read.

It was good to have a natter with John, Alistair Pooler and the esteemed author and photographer in the Falcon afterwards.  A most pleasant evening.

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