Thursday 24 September 2009

Wednesday 23 September 2009 – Last of the Summer Evening Walks

Sue and I set off from The Swan With Two Nicks at 7.30, without even Andrew to accompany us.  The dusky light didn’t stop us wending our way through the fields to Dunham Woodhouses, where Barns Lane led to an easy footpath that emerged at the familiar disused railway line just as it was going dark.

From now on we relied on the ambient light from the Manchester conurbation to illuminate our steady progress to Mill Lane and the sadly closed Railway Inn at Heatley.  A right turn took us down a ‘new to us path’ that appeared to reach a dead end behind a row of houses.  The 1:25000 map (not taken) now reveals that we should have walked across what appeared to us to be a newly ploughed field, instead of following the hedgerow.

Never mind, we returned to the lane, strolled down to the very much alive and well canal, and back along the towpath to Little Bollington.

There was quite a bit of activity from boaters outside the fleshpots on the other side of the canal, with some lovely reflections on the still, warm evening.  The camera was at home, so a trip with a tripod at some future date may be undertaken.

It was a pleasant enough walk – 9 km in a little under 2 hours along the following route:


The ‘postcard’ is of the canal, by the Bay Malton, during the eclipse earlier in the day.

Our next evening walk will be on Tuesday 13 October:

Around Latchford - start 7.30 pm from the Kingsway Bridge (SJ 625 880) for an interesting 8 km (5 mile) stroll – to reach the bridge take the A57 east from Warrington town centre, turn right into Farrell Street at traffic lights before the parish church, bear right at a roundabout, cross Kingsway Bridge, then park in any wide side street and meet on the bridge.

All are welcome.

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