Tuesday 9 February 2010

Monday 8 February 2010 – Winding Down

Huron Cabin on Monday lunch time

Sadly, this was my last day in Gatineau Park for this year.  On a beautifully sunny Monday morning I yomped around a 16 km circuit from P10 in about an hour and three-quarters, stopping briefly at Huron Cabin for lunch.

I had considered the above photo to be just another snapshot, but Ken assures me it is a proper ‘photograph’, having been deliberately composed to include the chickadee on the bird feeder as its focal point, and to demonstrate the absence of any skis on the rack outside the cabin (very rare).  “I would have placed my red skis on the rack, to show that I was the only visitor” says Ken.  A good point!

Anyway, someone had been there as it was toasty inside, with a roaring fire.  I did my duty and shoved on another few logs, as others would surely want to toast their sandwiches here today, being as it was minus 10C outside, with an icy breeze.

The main trails seemed to me (though I’m not an expert in such matters) to be well groomed today, though #1B was in its usual unkempt state, but had perhaps had its icy surface loosened by the passage of a snowmobile.

The trail up the Khyber Pass, shown below, was lovely and pristine, having clearly (even to my untrained eye) been ‘machined’ shortly before my arrival.

The Khyber Pass n a quiet Monday morning

So that’s it folks.  That’s all from Gatineau Park for the time being.  The blue skies have been much appreciated, but tomorrow I embark on a 20 hour journey to get home. 

So the next posting will be from Timperley.  Or will it, I wonder?

I can’t finish this without thanking Ken and Helen for their wonderful hospitality, and saying hello to the numerous other friends and acquaintances who have helped to make this trip so enjoyable.

Au revoir – until next year, when I hope that Sue will be fit enough to make the trip.


  1. I've much enjoyed the 'skiing series' again this year.

    Fingers crossed for Sue's recovery for next year's trip.

    Talking of Sue, where are the Egypt photos and report?!

  2. Having seen your Gatineau Park posts, I looked back to the pictures of wintery Cheshire walks. I lived just outside Rainow (which is near Macclesfield and Bollington) during the famously cold winter of 1962-63. My childhood memories include being snowed in for five days at our farm, huge snow drifts in the courtyard and skating (with our Canadian father)on the pond. How lovely to see snowy pictures of the same area. Hope you had a safe trip home.

  3. Thanks Gayle, and Liz.
    Unfortunately, Gayle, Sue's neck problem is exacerbated by use of the keyboard, so at present she spends as little time on the computer as possible.
    So I don't think you'll be seeing a report on Egypt from 'Nallo Lady', but as it was an all inclusive R+R trip at an isolated hotel by a beach, I have a feeling there may not have been a lot to report....
