Thursday 11 February 2010

Where am I now?

Hello All
I know some of you like these little quizzes!
So which city can I see in the distance today (that's a very big clue)?

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  1. From the Star Trek uniform, it could be almost anywhere.
    Are there any carbon- based life forms?
    You seem to be facing South, unless the sun is in the North...

    word =- gratio (which either means "thanks" or is something to do with cheese)

  2. Glad to see that you have made it to Loch Lomond. Hope you have not been suffering from jet lag. All goes well here. Making good progress. All surprised at how well iI am doing. It was good to have Sue's help last week. hope to see you soon
    love from

  3. I'm guessing Glasgow (not because of the huge clue in the comments above obviously).

  4. Aha - Ben Lomond, perhaps. Thanks only to the ground staff at Philadelphia Airport, but that's another story!

  5. Good grief you mean I HAVE actually done a munro!!

  6. If you've been to the summit of Ben Lomond, Helen, you've undoubtedly been up a Munro. On the other hand, if you didn't make it to the top, perhaps you haven't! Does it really matter though, as long as you had a good day out?
    [I take it you weren't with me on 27 Jan 1985, when I can assure you we did make it to the top!]

  7. The winner, by the way, with the first correct answer (though others got very close but perhaps didn't read the question properly), is Mark, who wins a 'drink on Martin' next time we meet. Maybe that should be two drinks, as it's already my round....?

  8. Shame I was in the air when you posted this - one of my favourite mountains, and just a spit from Glasgow. Last time I was there - Midsummers Day 199x - my memory's fading and no diary with me here in snowy Switzerland...

  9. Crumbs, Nick, that must have been a long flight!
    I should have a link to a slide show up today or tomorrow.
