Thursday 2 January 2014

Christmas 2013


Here are Jacob and Jessica with mum and dad, Uncle Mike, and three Grandmas (above), plus two more Grandmas and a Granddad below.


On reflection, I should have got a picture of all five Grandmas together. Hopefully we will reconvene again soon.


As you can see from the above images, my portrait photography is abysmal, so no more of it will be inflicted upon readers just now. Suffice to say that we enjoyed a family Christmas and New Year with friends and relatives, in a variety of locations and weather.  All very enjoyable and sociable.

Sue is back at the office today, having worked from home during the last week or so.  I’m left staring at a brilliant blue sky from our home office, which has today been allocated to completion of my tax return and Uncle Mike’s rather more complicated one.

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