Sunday 5 January 2014

France Beckons


Happy New Year, everyone, although the next two postings will revert back to last year’s unfinished business.

Sue and I are looking forward to being back in France by this time next week, though we won’t be taking the red rope that connected me to Donovan and Andy back on 9 August 2011.

Can anyone spot the deliberate error in this ‘France’ posting, as we head across the Plateau du Trient, skilfully dodging the crevasses?

PS Nobody entered my France Competition, but I’ve inserted the answers at the foot of the competition posting if anyone is interested in knowing the locations of the 17 pictures.

Postscript, courtesy of Conrad (aka ‘Sir Hugh’)

The comments include reference to ‘Rayner’s Glacier’ which is pictured below:

RaynersGlacier copy


  1. Can't spot the error, but I guess there wasn't quite enough wind for Andy? to get airborne, or perhaps de'd forgotten his wings?

  2. Andy was just dodging the crevasses, with great success, unlike the Swiss lady and her guide who had a crevasse mishap on this benign looking plateau. Luckily they were roped up, as was everyone we saw up there.

  3. Click here to see the true story:

    I'm not sure if this Dropbox link will work here but if not I will show it on my own blog.

  4. Excellent, and as usual you've brightened up my photo, which I've now added to the posting...

  5. Thanks for that - Rayner's was a name mix up on my part. I have posted this on my blog but will now withdraw it as you have found a way of showing it where it should be.

  6. Luckily, Andy managed to dodge 'Rayner's Crevasse'!
