Sunday 23 November 2014

Sunday 23 November 2014 - Cnicht

We managed a leisurely breakfast and cleaned up before leaving Number 55. 

Thanks go to Dave and Maggie for the loan of the house.

The forecast sunshine duly arrived to illuminate another wonderful walk up the relatively small mountain called Cnicht. The man who inspired my early backpacking trips, Showell Styles, lived near here and climbed this hill hundreds of times. Lucky man!

I've recorded previous visits on earlier pages of this blog and in the predecessor diaries, so won't go on at length here. 

The spacious car park at the end the narrow road to Croesor illustrates the popularity of the hill. Today we enjoyed summery weather and busy environs. Not a wilderness experience, but great to see so many people enjoying themselves in this iconic area.

We took the standard route (on which we are pictured near the start) from Croesor directly to the summit, enjoying elevenses and tiffin en route, and keeping as close to the knife edge as possible. 

As we did yesterday, today we saw lots of waxcap mushrooms, but without Heather T-S to guide us we eschewed their culinary delights.

Only Snowdon remained with a cap of cloud, but that didn't really detract from the view over Llyn yr Adar during our lunchtime break at the point where the path towards the Moelwyns turns to the south.

Up at nearly 700 metres in late November, you might expect jackets to be needed. They weren't. 

After lunch we ambled along the contouring path to Clogwyn Brith and down to the old slate quarry, returning to Croesor via the gently descending path from there. A lovely route in the afternoon sunshine. 

Our 3.15 finish after just 11 km gave Sue and me plenty of time to get back to Timperley for supper. We trust the others also had easy journeys home.

Lots of photos were taken today. A slideshow of this most enjoyable four day trip should follow.


  1. To my shame, I've never walked up Cnicht. I've admired it from just about every angle but never climbed the hill itself.

    There's only one thing for it - I need to get out more!

  2. Yes Oss, if Styles could climb it nearly 900 times amongst all his other activities (alright, so he did live a long life), you should surely manage at least once. It really is a fine little mountain.
