Saturday 22 November 2014

Saturday 22 November 2014 - Morfa Nefyn to Porth Towyn

Now we are six. Richard and Jenny arrived last night. 

Despite early sunshine (pictured top in Porthmadog harbour - the view from Number 55) which may have enticed us into Snowdonia, we stuck to our plan of a coastal walk on the Llyn Peninsula.

After leaving a car at Porth Towyn, the six of us started off towards the golf course from a convenient café in Morfa Nefyn.

Luckily, by the time we had started the heavy showers that had suddenly appeared had moved on to Snowdonia. 

We soon reached Porth Dinllaen, with fine views to yesterday's hill - Garn Boduan. The view over Ty Goch Inn and the bay is shown above.

Elevenses on a bench overlooking the bay under a hot sun followed, then we spent ages strolling around the peninsula and beside the golf course. 

Lunch (pictured) was taken beside a flock of starlings at Aber Geirch. Millions of flies above the Fucus serratus and Laminaria digitata were providing a fine feeding zone for these birds. Ken spent a while trying to identify purple sandpipers. They turned out to be Turnstones. Robins asserted their territorial rights and stonechats chattered nearby.

Shadows lengthened as the afternoon progressed and our progress was recorded in the shadows on the beach below. Oyster catchers flew past and Anglesey was clear on the northern horizon. 

Curlews, lapwings and starlings gathered in huge groups towards dusk. Seals were spotted by Sue, Anne and Jenny - forty to fifty of them basking on the rocks. 

Mud was encountered as we continued along the coast to admire a fine sunset from Porth Ysgaden.

I'd mistakenly gone a bit further than planned, and by the time we got to Towyn farm we'd covered about 15 km in quite a few hours.

All six then made it back to the second car and adjourned for one of Sue's Thai banquets at Number 55.

Another excellent day.


  1. Very nice. Yes i am still here.

  2. That's good to know, Alan! Stick in there and you might see something interesting!
