Friday 21 November 2014

Friday 21 November 2014 - Garn Boduan and Llanbedrog

The day started fine, but forecast rain slowly encroached,  justifying our decision to stick to an easy morning walk.

So we drove to Nefyn for a 9 km stroll around and over the 279 metre summit of Garn Boduan.

Yesterday's brown butterflies were in short supply as we rose up an ancient walled lane (pictured- top) past rampant gorse bushes flanked by red campion, yarrow and trailing tormentil. Harebells and herb robert also lined the path, as views down to Nefyn and across to Garn Boduan (pictured - middle) became more expansive. 

We circled Coed Mynydd Nefyn and at the top of the path a large gathering of partridge and pheasant awaited their imminent doom, as gunshots from Bodfuan Shoot crept ever closer. 

Spots of rain didn't deter us from a tea and cake stop near the B4354, along which road a short section of this walk was forced to travel. Here we encountered the Shoot's unattended Landrover, with swag in the back (including an errant magpie) and a badly smashed windscreen.

Then it was up through forestry to Garn Boduan's rocky summit, with evidence of an Iron Age hill fort and traces of over 100 dwellings over 2000 years old poking out of the bell heather. Apparently between 100 and 400 people would have lived up here. 

Lunch was taken at a point near the summit where I fell into a hole and summersaulted into a position from which I was disinclined to move. 

Our descent on a little used route to some forestry workers with heavy machinery was in the company of snipe and woodcock. Blackbirds and lapwings were also seen hereabouts.

The rough route gave way to a woodland path back to Nefyn, with many different types of fungi on display,  including some Ramaria varieties poking out of the leaf litter.

The drizzle was setting in as persistent rain by the time we regained the car, so we passed the afternoon on a visit to Llanbedrog, in particular to the gallery (pictured - bottom) that started life in 1856 as Lady Love Jones Parry's dower house. In 1896 it became an art gallery and ballroom. A horse-drawn tramway was extended along the sandhills from Pwllheli to the hall's entrance. Until 1927, when the tramway closed, trips by tram to Llanbedrog beach and to the house for dances and afternoon teas, were popular with holidaymakers. Likewise, we enjoyed afternoon tea and cake in the restored hall, but much to Sue's disappointment we gave the dancing a miss.

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