Thursday 20 November 2014

Thursday 20 November 2014 - Gyrn Goch, Gyrn Ddu and Bwlch Mawr

Happy Birthday Kate!

Last night we popped down to join Ken and Anne at 'Number 55' in Porthmadog. 

After a fine South Afican bobotie and a deep sleep we awoke this morning tea and croissants. 

Then, after admiring the view from our street (pictured - top), we embarked on a version of Walk 28 in David Berry's excellent little guide to walks on the Llyn peninsula. 

Clynnog Fawr was reached despite the best efforts of the Welsh road system to foil us, and after dodging some filming outside the Y Beuno hotel, we were soon rising high above the coast road, on the coast path. 

The weather was cloudy but warm. Benign. After a skeletal 'tractor' that AlanR will no doubt identify in seconds, an easy stream crossing,  elevenses and brownies, we turned coastwards (yes!) from the coast path to ascend the two Gyrns. Gyrn Ddu (at 522 metres our high point of the day) is well protected by rocks. Ken and Anne declined its invitation. 

Lovely views in clearing conditions were enjoyed together below the summit boulders over which Sue and I had scampered. Lunchtime - pictured. 

Then a short stroll to an unnamed summit led us back to the coast path, from which we were distracted by a gentle ascent to the 509 metre top of Bwlch Mawr, access to whose trig point was barred by a huge wall.

Views of the sun beaming down on the peninsula towards Bardsea Island were admired at length (a slideshow will follow) before we headed down to a ruined cottage and a stretch of quiet tarmac. There were immaculate views past a high mast to sunlit Snowdonia. 

Robins and wrens vied for the noisiest bird award whikst a sparrowhawk circled menacingly above.

The path got boggy, and perhaps Ken did regret his decision not to wear gaiters. Dusk came and darkness was descending fast by the time we got back to Clynnog Fawr at 5 pm.

At about 16km with up to 800 metres ascent, taking 6.25 hours - this was a fine day out in lovely conditions. 


  1. A wonderful part of the world. Thanks for reviving good memories.

    I was on the Lleyn back in February when we had all the storms. I mopped up the Marilyns there except the one on Bardsey. GyrnDdu had one of the rockiest boulder summits I have ever encountered - great care was needed in gale force winds.

  2. Its a quad bike Martin. Love the pictures.

  3. Yes Conrad, Gyrn Ddu does have a rather interesting summit area!

    Thanks Alan. Well spotted, I was just checking that you are still there!
