Friday 5 August 2016

Meall a'Phubuill and Meall Onfhaidh

Margriet joined me and Iain for this final stroll of the trip on an overcast day with the local cloud base around 1200 metres.

It was an easy walk in from Fassfern along Gleann Saileag, then a steepish ascent to the summit, with good views to Gulvain and beyond. (Pictured, top.)

The steep descent to a 380 metre col was slowly accomplished. Many frogs and spiders were in evidence, with lizards scurrying to avoid our Scarpas. Yellow mountain saxifrage (pictured) graced the waterways.

Meall Onfhaidh presented no difficulties other than for Margriet, who found it necessary to don a bee keeper's outfit to combat the midges.

We enjoyed fine views into Ardgour from the summit (third picture).

It was clouding in. The descent past wheatears back to the path above Gleann Saileag was easy. It started to rain. An industrial scene lay below us, near a small bothy. A relic of this industry is pictured (the last picture).

The rain continued as we strolled back to the car after walking 20 km with 1100 metres ascent in 7.5 hours. (Yesterday was 11 km, 800 metres, and 5.75 hours.)

Another fine meal was served by two more volunteers back at Borrodale House, where the lack of 'phone signal and sporadic wifi may delay this posting.

Tomorrow, it's 'back to Timperley'.

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