Tuesday 8 August 2017

A Canadian Adventure - Day 5

Monday 7 August 2017

Butchart Gardens

A leisurely start saw us thanking Shak for his wonderful hospitality - we really enjoyed our time in Vancouver, then packing our bags and heading off to the Tsawassen ferry terminal for an hour and a half's ride on the massive and fairly full ferry to Vancouver Island. I think there should have been fine views, but these were obliterated by the smoke haze that gives a grey tinge to everything. The top picture is the best I could manage.

At least the sea was flat calm, so there was no chance of sea sickness. Despite the smog it has been t-shirt weather ever since we arrived. Without the smoke we would have had a series of red hot blue sky days. I think they have had a record period of around 45 days without rain. The grass is all very yellow, but I'm not aware of any water shortages.

Lunch was taken at a coffee house/lunch room in Brentwood Bay.

Then a short drive to Butchart Gardens, a great place that's over 100 years old. The rest of today's pictures are from there. It's a public holiday here, and very busy, but that didn't really detract from the pleasure of walking around thesee magnificent gardens.

A short drive found us at Lucy and Jonathan's home in Victoria, where we've enjoyed catching up with them and their sons, who my daughter Kate nannied for some 17 years ago.

Sue and I managed a 4 km dash along the seafront before enjoying some home cooking and a game of Rummicub. Leaving very little time to write this before entering the land of nod.

3 km walking, and a 4 km run.


  1. Hello glad you have arrived and seem to be enjoying things. I already recognise many of the photos - painted silos, Butchart Gardens, etc. Sorry that you are getting the smoke haze - we did not encounter it until the Icefield Parkway so perhaps it will be clear for you there.

  2. Thanks Lyn. The gardens were lovely, with flower beds full of hummingbirds.

  3. Just catching up with your adventures. Can not believe you are 5 days in already. There are some good cycle rides along disused railway lines from Victoria if you have time in your hectic schedule. Hope the smoke haze lifts.

  4. Great flower photos! Glad you have arrived safely and are having a good time.

  5. Thanks Robert, thanks Jenny - the railway lines will have to wait I'm afraid. See Wednesday's posting later for today's activities.
