Wednesday 9 August 2017

A Canadian Adventure - Day 6

Tuesday 8 August 2017

The Royal British Columbia Museum and a game

Sue went canoeing with Zachariah, whilst I went for a bike ride with Jonathan. As usual, the sun shone reddishly through the haze. It's a bit brighter today, even casting a few shadows. Yesterday we saw a deer as we ran past the golf course. It was looking very nonchalant today as we cycled past. There were no hummingbirds on view today though, unlike in the Butchart gardens yesterday. Nor did we see any of the harbour seals that were noticed yesterday.

After lunch, Lucy dropped the boys off for some canoe training and then left Sue and me outside the Natural History museum. Special exhibitions celebrated 'The Family' and a cancer victim - Terry Fox.

The permanent exhibits include a life like mammoth and rock pools teeming with life. There are constant references to climate change.

After dinner we picked up a couple of Cameron's friends on the way to see Victoria Harbour Cats against Kelowna Falcons at the Royal Athletic Park, in an important play off match. The game appears to be a version of rounders that's known locally as baseball. We had seats in the stadium but the ambience was more like that at stock car racing at Belle Vue than football at the City of Manchester stadium. An unexpected spectator, perched on a platform behind the floodlights, was an osprey.

Attendance: 1720 plus an osprey.
Cats 8 rounders - Falcons 2 rounders, after nine innings and over three hours.

17 km bike ride.


  1. What! Not canoeing Mr B?!! I know how much you love it :-)

  2. No, I managed to get out of that one Jenny. Zachariah was a much better companion for her...

  3. After already meeting a mammoth in Victoria, I'm wondering what you might encounter if you head further north?

  4. If your journey takes you on the road between McBride and Jasper you can stop in a lay-bye and get a good view of Mount Terry Fox. A sign points to the 2,650 m peak. As you will have discovered he was a 21 year old cancer sufferer who after having a leg amputated above the knee set off to run across Canada. He got halfway across before the cancer spread to his lungs and he had to give up. Although he did not complete his run he did succeed in his aim of raising $1 for every Canadian. He died the following year a national hero and inspiration to others.

  5. Thanks Robert, we did of course learn all this in the museum, but I didn't have the energy last night to report back in as much detail as you have now provided.
