Monday 13 May 2019

TGO Challenge 2019 - Day 3


Date: Sunday 12 May 2019

Route: Allt Dhoireann to Bridge of Orchy

Distance: 23 km (Cum: 64)

Ascent: 500 metres (Cum: 2500)

Time taken: 8 hrs including 1 hr 40 mins breaks

Weather: sunny, t-shirts all day

We awoke in the shadow of the hills on a gloriously sunny morning. Frost on the tent confirmed that it had been a cool night. Cosy in the tent in our Rab 400 sleeping bags though.

We eventually got going at around 9 am. There was no hurry as we knew this would be a comparatively easy day. Pathless down to the main valley, but not difficult, and for the first kilometre it was in the company of the lovely 'babbling brook' known as Allt Dhoireann. Absolutely delightful. The stony valley fringed with dog violets and lousewort.

Glen Kinglass was reached cross country by heading directly north after crossing streams at a confluence, to reach the bridge at NN 152 369.

Thereafter it was straightforward paths and tracks all the way to Bridge of Orchy.

At Glenkinglass Lodge we passed a sundial cairn erected in memory of Lorna Schueller (1911 - 2009).

Cuckoos blasted out their predictable song. Butterwort and birdsfoot trefoil lined the track, with lots of bog cotton nearby. Wonderful views in all directions.

We encountered a Graham bagger, a fisherman at Loch Dochard, and a Munro bagger, and as we lunched at the Clashgour suspension bridge Chris and Sue Marshall turned up. They are on their tenth challenge, and like us were heading for Bridge of Orchy.

At Victoria Bridge we commenced our encounter with West Highland Way walkers. It's a popular route. By the time we had finished we'd seen about fifty of them. After a pot of tea at the Inveraron Hotel, we found the walk over to Bridge of Orchy via Mam Carraigh most pleasant, with fine views from the summit.

Our twin room at West Highland Sleeper on the station platform is quite adequate, and at the hotel we enjoyed a good meal. Then Richard and Rosie arrived. They had got to the top of yesterday's first Munro summit but were far behind us and had wisely descended to Loch Awe, where luckily they had found a hotel with a spare room. From there they had taken the minor road through Glen Orchy to reach here. Well done!

Today's pictures:
Morning at camp
A Kinglass suspension bridge
The river leading to Loch Tulla
Bridge of Orchy

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1 comment:

  1. Munro bagging with heavy packs sounds exhausting! Good weather has finally returned - you lucky people. Long may it remain.
